Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving in Denver

We were lucky this year and mother nature decided to play nice and give us good driving conditions so we were able to make the 8 hour drive to Denver for Thanksgiving! (Last year the drive there and back was treacherous.) Hannah came with us and we made it in early Tuesday evening. It had been way too long since we had gotten to spend time with Tyler, Lindsay, Kylie, Katelyn and Landon so we were excited to get so much time in Colorado with them.

One night when asked what he wanted
to do the next day Landon said "go to
the moon" so Lindsay got him this
cardboard spaceship and we spent an
afternoon painting it for him!

Wednesday afternoon Marcus Lauren and their adorable boys arrived after their 14 hour drive from Dallas. We were lucky to see them again so soon after our own trip to Dallas over Halloween. Their family is moving to Singapore for work for two years in about a month so we really cherish time with them and their 2 year old twins who Dillon can never seem to get enough play time with.

It was a great trip full of playing with nieces and nephews, ice skating, crafts, shopping, yummy food (most of which the baby let me keep down), gingerbread houses, and football. Unfortunately on that last note Dillon separated his shoulder playing in the Turkey Bowl with his brothers so we should add Urgent Care to that list.

Landon was so funny ice skating! First off
the skates didn't fit him so he had the twin
blades strapped over his shoes. Tyler would
hold his arms and go fast with Landon wildly
kicked his legs up and down in his version of
skating. too cute!

The ice skaters posing for a picture on the ice!

Team Hannah and Kylie

Team Dillon and Landon

Team Marcus and Jackson

Team Lauren and Quentin

Team Amy and Katelyn

The week seemed to fly by and all too soon we were back in the car heading home again. We're so lucky to have such great family, and even luckier that we were able to get 12 of us together at once!

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