Well, things have been crazy with the company we are selling with and long story short: we got a paid week off while they re-tool some things. We wanted to use the time to travel some more but the weather wasn't great and we were pretty tired so we opted for a few days of "staycation" then a trip to Ocean City, NJ
We got to go the local Italian Festival. They had lots of food and rides but we found a free little park and had more fun than we could have on the rides! |
I love how much fun Vince always has with Dillon! |
The next day we went to the DE Museum of Natural History, it was fun to watch Vince run around! |
Vince found this hilarious! |
They had an eagle's nest that Dillon & Vince had a blast in |
He is such a hugger! He kept hugging and patting the stuffed eagle on the back. |
They had a 3D model of the reef under some glass, Vince wanted to get down there! |
Dung Beetle, Dillon felt the need to go shoulder deep in it's bundle of joy. |
He was getting fussy, so we decided to feed him to the elephant. |
Turtle rides! |
We finally learned how to get him to feed himself with a spoon: ice cream! |
Yum! |
After our "stayation" we drove to Ocean City, NJ. We got a hotel and went to the boardwalk the first day. It was miles of boardwalk with tons of shops. We had a good time taking it all in. The weather started to turn so we went to a really nice seafood place nearby for an early Father's Day dinner.
Our second day in NJ started out with a 3 hour boat trip on the ocean for Dolphin & Whale watching. We didn't see any whales, but saw a ton of Atlantic Bottle-nose Dolphins which played around the boat for 20+ minutes. Then we went back to the boardwalk for lunch and then to the beach.
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Vince & I at the boardwalk |
Vince & Dad playing at the beach |
Vince was desperate to get in the water, but his swimsuit was at the hotel- he got VERY mad at us |
Playing in the sand was an acceptable second choice to playing in the water. |
I started getting worried about sand in his eyes so I wiped his face, then to spite me he literally smashed his whole face into the sand. |
Trying to run to the water again! |
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Family footprints |
It started raining as we were leaving, and left a gift for us! |
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Our little dude lounging in the back seat with his feet up on our way to a great dinner. |
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Dad & Vince excited for the whale watching trip to begin. |
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Vince had a blast looking overboard at the water. |
First sighting of the dolphin off the boat. |
More dolphins, there were several pods among the big herd playing around the boat. |
Having fun watching the dolphins. |
Family picture on the boat on the Atlantic Oean |
Vince kept yelling and playing peek-a-boo with the dolphins |
I love our family! |
He rarely wears his hat, but liked it this day since it kept the sun out of his eyes. |
This is Vince mid-wave, he opens and closes his hand towards himself. Though in this picture it looks like he might be threatening to punch someone. |
Silly dad! That's my hat! |
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He was pretty tuckered out so we got him to nap on the lower level of the boat for an hour. |
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Such a good (giant) slice of pizza on the boardwalk: spinach, red pepper, goat cheese and zucchini! |
Vince liked breaking down any sandcastle Dillon built, all ready to be a big brother! |
After time in the sand, he remembered the ocean and ran as fast as his fat feet could carry him to the water. |
The water was cold but it didn't stop him. He kept going in even when the waves knocked him over and buried him, we'd pick him up and he'd fight to get back down and run even deeper. |
He is a little fish. No fear of water... yikes! |
I dug a "Vince Trap" as deep at my knee but he climbed out in one attempt. |
Dillon helped make the Vice Trap deeper and he played in it happily for about a half an hour while I watched laughing and Dillon rested his eyes. |
Clever idea a VINCE TRAP.....must have taken quite a while to dig that hole and then he muscles out of it so fast.....Welcome to parenting!!!!