Our Vincent Jacob Holm was born at 12:39 pm on May 1st,
2012. In this post I’m going to detail how it all happened- and it’s a lot of
text. If you’re not interested please enjoy the pictures and skip the text! For
those of you who are curious...
My due date was May 15th. Months ago when
Dillon accepted a summer job in Delaware (which reminds me I need to post on
that) it seemed like it would be highly unlikely that the first round of
training in DE would interfere with any baby plans as he was to be gone from
May 2nd – May 6th, and back in plenty of time before our
due date.
Then finals came... I went into pre-labor (see previous
post) and on April 19th my Doctor told me based on how my body had
progressed Vince could come at any moment! It was so exciting! The next week my
Doctor just about guaranteed that I would have him sometime that weekend (the
last weekend in April). So when the weekend came and went without baby, I was
not only disappointed, I became scared and anxious realizing I was set to go
into labor at any moment but Dillon was set to leave town!
At Stewart Falls |
I did EVERYTHING to try to bring Vince early: from spicy
food to going on a 4 mile hike to Stewart Falls (a waterfall accessible only
through a fairly demanding trail through and up Timpanogos Mountain). I could
not believe that didn’t work... and as the weekend came to a close I was
getting so sad. I was scared to deliver without my amazing husband and
depressed to think he would have to miss it.
At Liahona (the High School I teach at) on Monday April
30th I must have had 25+ students remark at how they couldn’t believe
I was still teaching and hadn’t had the baby. My reply, “I don’t want to talk
about it”. I knew there was no way I’d be pregnant on May 6th when Dillon
got back and I shed MANY tears over it.
At about 11:30pm that night I woke up (after 20 minutes
sleep) with cramping. I didn't think it was contractions (having already had a
round of those) but the discomfort was great enough that it drove me out of
bed. It was a persistent abdominal discomfort that seemed to have surges in
intensity every 3-4 minutes. The “surges” began as just more intense cramping, but
quickly became very painful. As they never seemed to stop (just wax and wane in
intensity- often overlapping) I couldn’t decide if I was making more of it that
it was because I wanted it so badly, or if I was actually in labor.
By 1:30 am on May 1st, I had called my mom in
tears and explained what was happening. It was painful by that point but I was
still thinking it was in my head, and didn’t know if I should wake Dillon and
get his hopes up. After walking 900+ laps around our little apartment and
having my mom talk me into it- I woke a groggy Dillon at 2am. By that point the “surges”
were being felt intensely in my back and I knew I was in labor, but I was
afraid it would stop like it had the last few times.
Also, as going to get checked out at the hospital would
still cost the $300 check in fee if I was sent home I was super hesitant to go
in. Dillon had me call my doctor who of course told me to get to the hospital
ASAP. In the car on the way I had such clear contractions I cried for joy! I
finally believed that this was really happening and I was SO happy it was
happening with Dillon there, that the painful contractions were absolutely
welcome (I’m not exaggerating ask Dillon, I would be paralyzed with pain then
say Yay, that was a real one and cry and smile and laugh).
We checked in a little before 3am and the contractions
made changing and getting into the hospital bed difficult. The worst part was,
despite the fact I had a contraction getting into the bed, once there and
hooked up to the monitor I went 15 minutes without a contraction! I was
freaking out that labor had stopped after 3.5 hours and the nurse was clearly unimpressed
(she later told me she was positive she would be sending us home with a false
alarm). I felt so acutely disappointed and embarrassed, but then they came
By 4am when the nurse checked me again I had gone from
3cm and 85% effaced to 4cm and 90% effaced. They hooked me up to my IV and told
me they were definitely not going to send me home (what a relief). My mom had
arrived by that point (she secretly came down to the hospital before we did when
I first called her, but didn’t tell me so I didn’t feel pressured- that funny
Despite the pain, I was on cloud 9! I was happy and chatting,
and Dillon and I were giggling like kids with excitement. I’m really proud to
get to say I never once grouched at Dillon or my mom. I was just so happy to
have it really happening that labor was oddly enjoyable (though in the spirit
of full disclosure, it was crazy uncomfortable and painful).
The contractions grew more intense and got closer
together. By 7:30 am I asked for my epidural (though I am proud to say I
labored for 8 hours without it). The last hour before getting it was INSANE- I
was amazed how seriously painful it was, but I’m really glad I got the
perspective of the pain before getting the meds. Lying on my side curled up
waiting for the shot was the worst of it- by that point the contractions had me
in tears. Poor Dillon just looked at me with teary eyes of his own trying to
think of a way to help. His being there was the best!
I could have kissed my anesthesiologist! Within minutes
the pain was gone and contractions tickled more than anything. Like I said I’m
really glad I waited for perspective but the epidural was heavenly!
Despite the good consistent contractions, I hadn’t dilated
any more since 4am! (Lame) However, during those 3-4 hours Vince was MOVING! He
was constantly moving all 4 limbs and clearly didn’t like the contractions. I
was amazed he had the energy to keep it up and a bit concerned at how much
energy he was expending.
At 8:30 am my doctor arrived and during my check up she
broke my water. Vince’s heart rate plummeted at that point. It was really,
really scary. To try and jump-start the dilation process again, I was put on pitocin.
Over the next 3 hours I did fully efface and manage to barely dilate to a 5,
but Vince was worn out. On the monitor you could see with every contraction (2-3
minutes apart for 1-2 minutes long) his heart rate would drop from 120 beats
per minute to just 60 or 70 until the contraction would stop.
My doctor realized Vince’s cord must be pinned somewhere
between his body and the wall of the uterus or wrapped around his neck, so with
each contraction it was getting pinched. They couldn’t make my contractions any
stronger without fear of hurting him more, and as they were, the contractions
weren’t dilating me fast enough where Vince would have any steam left for the
pushing phase as he was getting a work out as it was. They even put me on an
oxygen mask to help get him enough oxygen.
At this point (11:30am) my doctor first started talking
to us about the likely hood of a c-section. She said Vince was too tired and
his heart rate wasn’t rebounding as quickly between contractions. She upped the
pitocin just a little to see if it would make it worse, and when it did she
left to get things ready right away. I was in tears. I had not given the
possibility of a c-section a moment’s thought at any point and was not at all
prepared. She had given us the obligatory “it’s a major surgery with serious
risks” speech. While I know she needed to disclose the risks, it made it even
worse. I was worried for myself and really scared for Vince. Poor Dillon was
worried for us both too and I again marveled at how grateful I was that he was
there. Without him I would have totally lost it, and he thought of him sitting
in Delaware hearing about a c-section then having to wait alone for news...
I really didn’t want the c-section (after 12 hours of labor
I felt I wanted to at least try pushing), but I knew it was best for my
Vincent. Those of you who read my post on my awful midwife and switch to my
amazing doctor will appreciate even more now how great she is! She had a
similar unforeseen complication in her first pregnancy and got a last minute
c-section of her own. So she was great at knowing my concerns and being able to
address them without my even asking (which I was too upset to ask anyways).
What a blessing she has been!
Dillon getting his paper scrubs on so he could come
with me into the operating room
Within 5 minutes of discussing the possibility of the
c-section, my doctor was arranging the details and 5 minutes after that I was
being wheeled into the Operating Room. Between the meds they gave me, being
cold, and being terrified I was shaking pretty badly from head to toe. I guess
it’s common so they gave me this warm air plastic bubble looking cover and some
meds to keep me from trembling too much. The meds also made me way dizzy and unfocused-
which is probably a good thing seeing as though I could feel a lot of what was
going on. No pain but it was clear when they were pushing and cutting and stuff
so I visualized other things and tried not to focus on it.
About 10 minutes in they told Dillon (who had been
sitting by my head rubbing my cheek and playing with my hair) to stand and look
over the partition to see Vince come out. His eyes got wide and he just said, “Oh
my gosh, you did it”. Then I heard a little cough and they took Vince out
without me even seeing him. I told Dillon to go with him. I thought I heard a
bit of soft crying from where they were cleaning Vince and checking him- which
was such a welcome sound!!! They continued to work on me for 30-45 minutes
after, and by then the drugs had all but put me to sleep.
Our handsome little son holding his daddy's
hand for the first time
I caught a little half smile from Vince
A nurse came in at some point to tell me they were having
problems getting Vince to turn pink and he wasn’t breathing well and they had
to work hard to clear his lungs and stomach of fluid. Again so scary! Once they
got him righted, Dillon brought Vince to me for just a minute before they had
to go get Vince cleaned up and measured some more. Just enough time for a quick
photo op and for me to get a glimpse of him.
First family photo, I barely remember this being taken...
My clearest impression was how
great it was to see Dillon holding his son and how proud and happy he looked. I
was in agony not getting to hold or kiss Vince just then, but it was blissful
to see my precious son being held so lovingly and protectively by his father-
who also happens to be the world’s best husband.
Vince has his daddy's nose and ears for sure!
Look at that proud papa!
When I was put back together they took me to my original
room, though Vince was down a floor. It was a very long 2 hours before I was
finally brought down there and got to hold Vince! The next day our doctor said
they had sent some of his cord blood to be analyzed the day before. Basically
the long of the short of it is it was absolutely the right call to do the c-section.
He was in distress, and not getting enough oxygen, and his blood was acidotic
(pH too low) which given too much more time would have made things much much
worse. Again thank heavens for such a wonderful doctor who knew just when to
make the call, and then performed too quickly and so well!
Daddy's hands on tiny little Vince's stomach
His cord had been pinched in a few places, and his giant
Holm head was stuck in my cervix. In fact Dillon said he had the worst cone head
at first (it has gotten much better, but still has some normalizing to do). His
head was so stuck and had been for so long he had a giant purple bruise on the
top where it had been pressing against my cervix. The bruise is really bad and
has even started to scab just a bit in the last day or two. With all that had happened
there was just no way he would have been able to come out on his own.
Grandma Wilson holding her first grandchild for the
first time. He owns her!
Uncle Kyle came by to visit Vince too. He'll
be with us in Delaware so he'll get plenty
of Vince time.
Auntie Tofer, she had to be coerced into
letting anyone else hold him.
Uncle Paul was scared about holding
him a first, but he's a natural.
Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Wilson
came over two days in a row to hold
their 31st great-grandchild
Long skinny arms and legs, he's so precious!
Right before he left, Dillon brought flowers! |
The healing process will be slow for me (my doctor keeps apologizing
that I’ll have to heal from 13 hours of labor and from a c-section), but Dillon
is going to substitute for me for the last 3 weeks of school. Also Kyle skipped
BYU classes Tuesday (while I was in labor) to substitute last minute, then our
AMAZING friend Miriam subbed for me Wednesday and her mom for me on Thursday-
we are so blessed!!!
Grandma and Vince napping together |
It has been fun to have just a few friends and family
come by to meet Vince so far. As he and I are up to it we’re excited to get to
show him off more. In the mean time Dillon is in Delaware with Uncle Kyle and
my mom is staying with Vince & I in the hospital and at our apartment until
Dillon gets home. I am so grateful for her help. Last night while I was in the
shower mom (grandma) had been holding Vince for like the 4th hour
straight- I overheard her say to him, “What am I ever going to do without you?
I changed my mind, they can’t take you to Delaware anymore”. Ha ha, poor
grandma is smitten.