In April 2010 Kyle left for a 2 year mission in Brisbane, Australia. I'll let him tell you all about it, but he had the time of his life. For those of you who don't know when missionaries go out the put everything on hold. He took two years off of work and school and from family & friends. We were able to email him and got weekly updates back. Also we got to call him 2 times a yea: on Christmas Day and on Mother's Day.
He loved his mission so much and the people of Australia he got to teach and serve. I know how hard it was for him to come home, but man are we glad to have him back. It is so weird/nice getting to pick up the phone and call him when I want to! Dillon and I got to take him to lunch today. I'm so so so happy I get Kyle Wilson as my brother!

These are the signs we made to welcome him
home at the airport.

It was SO emotional getting to see him at the airport. I knew
I'd cry but hugging my baby brother for the first time in two
years has me sobbing. I missed him so much!

The Wilson family is back together again!

Look how handsome my brother is!

Elder Kyle Wilson just before he was released as a missionary.
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