I have been awful at blogging recently. Between being way too busy with school & work and not having much come up in our lives outside the norm (school & work) the Blog has been neglected. Today is the day of my repentance!
This February we were lucky enough to have Dillon’s older brother Ben swing through Utah for work. He wasn’t out for too long but on his free night he was able to come by the house. It was really nice getting to see him and hanging out (Although we wish he had been able to bring his beautiful wife Katie and precious daughter Paige who we have STILL not met, so sad!)

Three of the original members of the Holm Team
Yes this is pretty much all we did… haha Ben was way tired from his busy days and Dillon and I were in midterms, but still it was good bonding time!
We have recently come to love playing Settlers of Catan at my mom’s on Sundays when we visit. (Thanks Sam, Vanessa, Bruce & Austie for getting us hooked!) It’s a fun game and we love playing. This particular Sunday I won both games, Dillon was not pleased. He was literally seconds away from winning the second game when I snuck up and took the crown. He was so shocked and bummed he grabbed my water glass and splashed it in my face! I laughed SO hard, because I was so surprised at the reaction. I love my hubby!!!

Both sides of my family are Irish, but my Grandma Wilson is especially proud of her heritage. She used to go around dressed as a Leprechaun on St. Patty’s Day giving people green freckles! In fact when my siblings first moved to Utah and started attending the local Elementary School they were immediately famous as the grandchildren of the Leprechaun… LOVE my wild Grandma!
She throws really fun mini-family reunions/ St Patty’s Day parties each year, and this year was a blast (Although I’m not sure why the Leprechaun costume was not in attendance…) She served every green food you can imagine: Jell-O, cucumbers, pickles, peas, green beans, shelled pistachios, mint brownies, asparagus, green bell peppers, broccoli, apples, spinach, green grapes… needless to say it was a weird lunch!

Here is a picture of my Great-Grandma Nana (Grandma Wilson’s mom) who was 100% Irish and equally wild as Grandma. Why yes, She dressed as a pirate here. Miss her so much!
We’ve also been sure to take advantage of time with friends before baby comes. Last weekend we hung out with David & Candis Clark. We had them over for holm-made Hawaiian Burgers (too yummy!) and then we went to the Nickel-cade.

The boys take saving the World very seriously.
Then the Johnsons had us over for Sunday Dinner. They are the best hosts, and Dinner is always amazing. It’s so great to get to hang out with the whole group and play games too!

Well more posts about baby prep (Nursery and Baby Shower) to come soon-ish!